
Showing posts from May, 2012

Are you a teacher then check it out

I had just finished my class.There we discover something new  In some school the teacher have developed a habit of competing with students. They will say that i will make so hard paper so that most of you will get failed and so most of you have to attend remedial classes . The teacher feel proud in this. There was question which comes in my mind ,if teacher knows that most of the students  get failed than he should take the class before the exam not after the exam. If in a class most of the students get failed then ,WHAT DOES IT SHOW? THe ANSWER IS VERY SIMPLE THAT THE TEACHER HIMSELF REQUIRE A REMEDIAL CLASSES NOT THE STUDENTS" If You know such teachers frorward this message because as A TEACHER ONE SHOULD BE PROUD OF TRAINING THE STUDENTS IN SUCH A WAY THAT MOST OF THE STUDENTS GET PASSED Wha do you think I am right or wrong .please explain your answer


 Yesterday  i found this interesting problem  .    Have fun in doing this. On April 15 an airplane takes off at 4 : 40 p.m from Belem. Brazil bound for Villamil, Ecuador (in the Galapagos). The plane lands at 8 : 40 p.m. Villamil local time. The sun sets at 6 : 15 p.m. in Belem (local time), and 7 : 06 p.m. in Villamil (local time). At what time during the flight do the airplane passengers see the sun set?