Sreesanth -a story of Gentleman converted to bad man because of middle man

Some years a boy with  big teeka on his forehead ,kallava on his wrist  entered into cricket world.Boy was very  aggressive but religious .Used to pray before every ball . His name is Sreesanth.a tornado from south , belonging to a cultural family  . But he was unknown of the fact the game he is joining is being sold to corporate, Bollywood, glamour,vulgarity.It was not the world he was dreaming for good life  but the world  which  was ready to slapping him.

Biggest tragedy  of IPL was exposure to glamour and his immaturity .cheer leaders shows the most ugliest part of  IPL.They are used for trapping this type of guys who dont the meaning of getting money.Soon Sreesanth  becomes sreesanth a casanova. He  was lost in Bollywood . i think at this time he must have start spending money in such a fashion that the greed our powered him which appear  in the form of  his arrest
Now what    ,very simple net displacement is zero


    He got the result....

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. good compilation of his life made by you sir...his life has been really tragedic. i specially liked that part "net displacement is zero". this made me remember of our old days when we used to study in your batches.

    1. Hello Abhinav .Thanks for taking interest in my blog. In this blog sreesanth is not the individual person but he symbolizes the whole breed of peoples who get carried by others .it is like an urge to taking loan for taking iphone,mobile and going for holidays.


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