Remembering Tripti Banga

Tripti Banga was my student in Sophia of last year batch. Day before yesterday i.e on 21-1-11
she died after a brief illness .For last two days her face comes very often in front of me. She was from place called Nagina. She was preparing for medical exams.From last two days i am having different feeling towards life which is just different than defining life only in terms of success and failure only.When i am writing this i am just hearing Ajjaan from masjid near my house.It is 5:45 in morning .May Allah,God,Bhagwan , give peace to her soul.Teaching is really a different profession .In this profession your family is very big.Loss of student is like a loss of member of family


  1. May her soul rest in peace.. :'(

  2. A heartrending news..This is where I find life unfair.May her soul rest in peace & may God give strength to her family to bear this irreplaceable loss.


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