Obscene content in TIMES Of INDIA supplement Delhi times

From some month back Times of India is distributing Delhi Times as a suppelement.The pictures which are now being shown are cheap,obscene and are beyond the limits which should be allowed in News papers.For last so many years I am in the habit of discussing the scientific articles from TOI in my class.I also enjoy its general articles,editorial etc.But being a father and teacher i don't want to introduced this newspaper to my son and students till they are supplying Delhi supplement.It is very sad to say goodbye to something which was your morning companion for about 20 years.


  1. Sir, Seriously it is embarassing. In the year 1835 Lord Macaulay was send to India by then Queeen of England to research on India and find ways so that british could reach to the root of Indian Empire. The lord travelled all across India and wrote a letter to the queen mentioning that "If we want to rule Indians to their root, the only thing we require is to 'ruin their culture', Indians are very much rich in their culture and they are highl sticked to it, it will be very difficult for us to rule such a community who will die for his culture". And the result they started destroying our culture by setting up clubs etc.
    Now Today the irony is we ourselves are deviating from our culture in the name of 'modernisation' and the incident you mentioned in your blog is a perfect example of it. Also Shows on TV like Roadies, SplitsVilla etc are taking this deviation to new heights. Also, in present India the opening of foreign companies in India since 1992 has let their products to be selled in India, which has affected our dressing, fooding and shopping. Also the type of advertisements some of the companies attracts us to wear the western attire which certainly murdered our culture. Delhi Times was introduced in meerut 10 years ago and after some years it was restriced only to NCR. and at that time also there was such obscenity...which was really affected the youth of that time. Sir, aage dekhte hein kya-kya hota hai hamare culture k saath....

  2. Please see this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9CKQC9kTtE



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