Do you think person sitting in public places like bank should behave according to their false ego - part 2

Firstly i want to thank my students,friends and netizens who like this idea.If you had read comments on my previous article there are some interesting results which comes out. I am trying to summaries them

1. When going to work ...leave your ego at home ....
2. Ego at work can be a great hindrance to any individual's progress.

3 When we are working in departments like Bank,Post office etc. ,It is important for us to not to react on some behavior aspects of our customer.

4 One of the comment which is eye opener is that of Jasmine.experience in SBI bank. I am pasting it here

Jasmine comments were Today (Dec.18) I was at SBI bank for some work. The official there was talking to us very nicely. He was very willingly correcting my mistake and lackings in the form.Another lady and her son were there who were illiterate. For some mistake of hers he was like "A,B,C,D to aati nahi hai aur aa jate hai.Form pura nahi kiya aur mujhe perashan karne aa gaye" Another one. She had spelled nayi(come on yr I am also not sure kya hoti hai spelling!) as naie.And he is like "Ye spelling hoti hai nayi ki!Ye konsi lingo hai,konsi languague hai" What is dis attitude yr? Why do you have to embarrass them? Come on man you are sitting there to help them. Are ur manners to be detemined by how educated a person is or how well they speak in english!!!????
This comment is interesting because it strike about the behavioral aspects of bank officials towards the peoples from those sections of society which require their help most.

4 Comment by one of my best friend friend Sanjesh Kant jain is eye opener. I am pasting it here
Vinod this is a very normal behaviour of the people sitting in most of the banks(Nationalised)and they are even not ready to recognise people so the best thing you did was you have shifted your account instead of wasting time to teach such people because they don't understand we are giving bread and butter to these fellows.

But yaar is it only solution?

5 I want to thank CA Amresh vashist ,Meerut and CA B L Bhojwani, Kota for their technical comment.I request them to become part of this endeavor
6 Last comment by Amit has raised a very good question-Where the middle class will go if some loan which require by them urgently will be stopped abruptly. Answer of this question can be given by Union Bank official only.

7 If you know somebody from Union Bank ,SBI or from any other bank.please do forward link of these post to them.If you know their email ID please forward them to us.
If you have any bad experience then please share your experience with me ,give suggestions . We together will try to change the things .Things will change when we tries to change them ,otherwise they will be there where we dont want them to be


  1. Sir, I was previously working with HSBC and the first training that we had there was that of how to communicate with our customers over the phone and not a technical training. We were always told never to lose our temper and speak with a very gentle tone. But I don't think that the employees of our so called Nationalised banks have ever got some kind of vocational training!!!


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