Remembring chavi aggarwal

Yesterday was very sad day.I get news that one of my student chavi is no more.She lost her life in accident.This news was given to me by Niyati her classmate.
She was full of life.She was good in studies but very good in living life.Always cheerful,naugty .I am feeling very sad .I dont believe so much in god so i don't called this as destiny .

This accident happen on Roorkee road between meerut and pallavpuram.Each day there is an accident on this road.Problem is that there are large number of residential calonies have come on this road but traffic movement is very heavy being a highway.Problem has become dangerous because of large numbers of three wheelers moving at very hihg speedand not following any.Usually i have seen that they do not stop below the road but they remain on the road They stand on the road so the person who is coming behind is not able to see the front. The residentant of these calonies have to address different problems with adminstration so that such type of loss of life can be prevented
One has to be extra cautious while on this road.


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