
Now-IITians-make-a-beeline-for-DRDO.This is in todays TOI

It is very interesting news.It tells about the channge in mind set of young generation.Which is better for our country.For so many years the craze of earning but without any stability was increasing.The recession and indian student abuse in different countries had changed this mindset .
Best mind for of our country getting absorbedbed in mainstream is something which was urgently required.It will be good for indian science


  1. The primary reason for things to swing this way is, as you mentioned, recession, which is (hopefully) a temporary phase. What is important now for these public organizations, is to retain their people. They may not be able to attract candidates with the flashy benefits that private sector has to offer, so it would not be easy for them.
    There is a lot of scope for improvement which will motivate young people to join in, not under the pressure of recession but out of preference.


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