Japanese Marvelous Life Saving Technology in earthquake
I am regular reader of magazine The week. This week there is a article by a person who was in Japan when it happened. We all are talking about the havoc created by earth quake in nuclear .reactors. But interesting fact is that due to earthquake no building however fell down. I am putting the article by Anita pratap which is based on tokyo. This article is on positive aspect of human endeavor,against harsh nature fury.. People have not fully grasped how terrifyingly powerful the March 11 earthquake was. Imagine a force that is 8,000 times stronger than the recent New Zealand quake, a force so great that it pushed Japan’s land mass eight feet closer to America, a force that even shook the planet, shifting the earth’s axis by four inches! Yet, in Tokyo, the city of skyscrapers, not one building fell. Two years in Tokyo make one rather casual about earthquakes. Mild ones strike every week, some so weak that you don’t notice them; others last 10-20 seconds. When the March 11 earthqua...