changes in education system
From sunday times It is very interesting article .I think india has to dump yearly education system Does high IQ + semester system = Nobel genius? The University Grants Commission (UGC) wants Indian universities to adopt semester system-based courses with the choice-based credit system (CBCS) within two years. Educationists agree that higher education needs to be reformed, but is the semester system with its continuous routine of grading and assessment the only way India can move away from the tendency to learn by rote? Not really, say experts, who say the new system alone cannot bring wholesale change - more free-thinking students and analytical young minds aspiring to Nobel Prize-winning discoveries. Eminent scientist Yashpal, who heads the UGC/ All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) review committee, says, "What remains after our education is complete, is our understanding of the subject and not what we remember. Unfortunately, not too much emphasis is laid on what i...